
orkut comunities owner worries about adding related communities

The orkut communities owners are suffering a one of annoying bug while adding related communities to their communities in related communities list.

the error Looks like this

Hmmm, we didn't get that.

we did not understand your last request. Please go back and try again.
An error like this may also happen if you are trying to upload a file that is too large.

this bug is not fixed and making the owners some what annoying because even the space available in the related communities field they are unable to add some more communities

but there is a temporary soluton for this

they can delete all the related communities list and can start over

and can add upto 9 communities

but some users already found a way to add more than 9 communities in that case they cant remove the list because they wont be add more than 9 communiites.

orkut not fixed this bug despite of the so many complaints from around 2-3 months. are they want to force the owners to delete their related comm list and restrict the no to 9 communities ?


Anonymous said...

That means now we can not add more than 9 comunties those who had done before continue.. to enjoy :(

me said...

currently No da :(

but may be we will get soon ;)

forum4u said...

Thanks for pointing out that bug, i had also watched it once.